To celebrate what is special about each of us and our families, we brought in a recipe that has created good memories in our family. Each of us thought about why this recipe is special and shared when we usually enjoy it. We put our collection together in a book, check it out! {This view has slightly changed the book. To see what it actually looks like, click the link below to "view the book larger"}
Grade 1 and I explored objects and materials. The kids had a great time
building and creating as they explored. They designed marble runs as their
final creation which was amazing to see! They used recycled materials to
develop a trail for the marble to take. They also had to revise their plans as
they went and learned what worked and what didn’t. They are a wonderful bunch
of inventors!
We hosted the assembly today! Lots of us wanted to speak in front of the school to help emcee! At the end we had a school-wide DEAR ❤️📚 #lifeinroom4 #mrsdentscarcello
We made candy catapults at our Valentine's Day party today! We worked with a partner to see how many times in a row we could catch a candy. It was super fun! #mrsdentscarcello #lifeinroom4 #stem
We did bleeding heart art. First we drew overlapping hearts and then used watercolour to paint them. The colours from each heart bled into the other hearts beside it. ❤️#lifeinroom4 #mrsdentscarcello