Friday, October 2, 2015

Supporting Our Community

As we continue to explore our community, we are talking about how we can support our community and help the people around us that are in need. There are two great initiatives going on right now that we can help with!

 First, we found out through Instagram that Siloam Mission, (a shelter in Winnipeg that provides food, shelter, clothing and many services to the less fortunate) is in immediate need of men's and women's jeans and hoodies. If you have any of these items that you no longer need and would be willing to donate, please send them to school and I will deliver all donations to Siloam Misson. 

Second, Kid President initiated SOCKTOBER! You can check out the video below that explains it very well and has a little dancing too! Our SPIN Club is collecting *new* socks for the first two weeks of October. They will be donated to a shelter in our regional community to help those in need.

So this is where we are starting with ways we can support our communities. We are just beginning!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome and it is such a great gift to be able to give to our community and help others in a time of need Marilyn C