Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our First Time Posting to Blogging Buddies!

Dear Sofia, Jessica, Amy & Mrs Malkose's Class,
Thank you for posting a message to us. Lots of the girls have Zhu Zhu Pets here. We had to explain what Zhu Zhu Pets were to Miss Dent, she had no idea what they were! At recess we play Star Wars, we go on the swings, we do gymnastics, we go on the spider web, we go on the monkey bars, we slide down the slide, we play house, we hang upside down, we run in the field, we play chase, we play army and we draw and write. There are 21 kids in our class. 15 kids in our class like school. 3 kids say they don't like school (but Miss Dent thinks they are joking). 3 kids are not here today because 1 is sick, 1 is in Mexico and 1 is in Florida! We think the kids who are away like school. Yes, we go to the computer lab on Day 6. In the computer lab we went on Miss Dent's Wiki to try Build Your Wild Self. We went on Word 2007 and learned to type, change font, save and print. We put fall words on Wordle to make a word splash.
What do you do in the computer lab? Do you have to do calendar in the morning? Do you have a class pet? How many recesses do you get? Do you have jobs? Do you have Home Reading? Do you have spelling? Do you have Writer's Workshop? Do you have to sell chocolates?
Miss Dent's Class :)

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