Monday, April 4, 2011

Everyday Should be Earth Day!

In April we will celebrate Earth Day (April 22nd). But since we love the Earth soooo much, we will talk about it for much more than just one day. Watch for interesting facts, challenges and special projects we take on this month. Here is your first little tidbit:

A decade ago, every man, woman and child in Canada were producing an average of one ton of garbage a year. How much are you throwing away? What can you do to throw away less garbage?

1 comment:

Janet said...

In the last few years I started composting food products and leaves/grass clippings. We used to throw away about 12 bags of leaves in the fall and now all of the leaves are mulched and put back into the compost or garden. I appreciate that we can easily recycle, compost, and re-use, to make less garbage.